I love listening to my students and their comments about art (when they think I am not listening). I have started a quote board with these comments. Most students are willing to write down what they have said and even sign their name. We have a student from UT who has been observing us once a week. She will be student teaching in January and February here at Jackman. I'll post more information on her soon. Choice has been going phenominally well. My 5-7 minute presentations go on too long at times, but no one complains. Thanks kids! We are running out of supplies pretty quickly. It's amazing how quickly you can go through hundreds of toilet paper tubes! Sewing has been incredibly popular this last month. My challenge is getting them to understand the idea of creating a piece of art using the sewing items. Ted has done a great job using scraps of felt to create this pillow.
Tempera paint is still a favorite and one center which is a challenge. I try to stress the importance of having a plan prior to painting. However, how can I not let an ambitious student just go for it? I have recently gotten some great texts and the "new" concept in them is encouraging creativity in our students and how it helps them in the academic content areas (duh). We art teachers have been trying to communicate this fact for years. More on that later. Here is more art from my exceptionally creative students!

A very colorful portrait using tempera paint.

Chinese red envelopes are given at New Year's for good luck (with money inside). Ours are much bigger than real Red Envelopes so they can hold other treasures besides money!